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Kawase Junsuke III

三世 川瀨 順輔

Kawase Junsuke III
生まれ 1936


Kawase Junsuke III is head of Chikuyu-sha Shakuhachi Guild, the largest individual group of Kinko shakuhachi players in Japan with branches in Europe and the U. S. He has produced collections of both the classical honkyoku and gaikyoku (ensemble) repertories, and is actively teaching and performing around the world, including numerous performance tours to the U.S., Canada, Europe and China. He has done numerous collaborations with artists in other genres as well, in particular work with world renowned Kabuki onnagata (female impersonator) actor Tamasaburo Bando.

1936 Born in Tokyo

1954 Awarded his Shihan (Master/Teacher certification) by Kawase Junsuke II

1971 Visited the United States at Wesleyan University as a guest lecturer

別名 川瀬勘輔 (Kawase Kansuke); 川瀬 忠輔 (Kawase Tadasuke)



Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1

Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2

Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3

Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4

Shakuhachi Basics Course Shakuhachi Basics Course

Beginning Shakuhachi Instruction


Chanoyu Ondo 茶湯音頭 14'15 Abe Keiko Record Set - 05 尺八
Chanoyu Ondo 茶湯音頭 15'25 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Chidori no Kyoku 千鳥の曲 14'39 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Instruction 14'08 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Instruction 06'10 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Instruction 04'13 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Instruction 03'16 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Instruction 13'50 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Instruction 03'39 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Instruction 13'49 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Instruction 07'21 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Instruction 13'49 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八
Instruction 13'14 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八
Instruction 24'04 Shakuhachi Basics Course 尺八
Instruction 31'18 Shakuhachi Basics Course 尺八
Kajimakura 楫枕 16'46 Fujii Kunie, The World of Shamisen and Jiuta Singing 5 尺八
Kiku no Tsuyu 菊の露 10'17 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 11 (三曲合奏大全集11) 尺八
Kongōseki 金剛石 08'16 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Kongōseki 金剛石 03'57 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Kumoi Jishi 雲井獅子 Japanese National Music Series: Shakuhachi Mei Ryû Senshû 尺八
Kumoi Jishi (duet) 雲井獅子 05'36 Shakuhachi Mei Ryū Senshū 尺八
Kurokami 黒髪 07'22 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Matsukaze 松風 17'32 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 8 (三曲合奏大全集8) 尺八
Midare Rinzetsu 乱輪舌 10'06 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Mukaiji Reibo 霧海箎鈴慕 06'01 Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi - Koten Honkyoku - Kindai Shakuhachi Gaku 尺八
Nagara no Haru 奈賀良の春 13'27 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八
O Uchiyama 大内山 10'44 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Practice Exercises 47 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Practice Exercises 46 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Practice Exercises 48 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八
Rokudan no Shirabe 六段の調 14'34 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 1 尺八
Sato no Haru 里の春 16'35 Fujii Kunie, The World of Shamisen and Jiuta Singing 5 尺八
Shintakasago 新高砂 08'48 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 2 尺八
Sode Gōro 袖香爐 07'46 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 11 (三曲合奏大全集11) 尺八
Suribachi すり鉢 05'30 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 16 (三曲合奏大全集16) 尺八
Tsuki 03'56 Kinko Ryu Shakuhachi - Koten Honkyoku - Kindai Shakuhachi Gaku 尺八
Tsumi Kusa 摘草 15'32 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 4 尺八
Usu no Koe 臼の声 13'01 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 18 (三曲合奏大全集18) 尺八
Yachio Jishi 八千代獅子 09'39 Kinko Shakuhachi Gaikyoku Anthology Volume 1 - First Level - tape 3 尺八
Yoshinokaiko 吉野懐古 07'26 Take no Sekai 尺八